Friday, July 13, 2007

Vacation in San Clemente!

For the last week we have been on vacation in San Clemente, California. We've had a great time! Jenny's family including mom, dad, Sarah, Derek, Sam, Hannah, Gracie and Jenny and Cam are all here. Katie is in Boston starting her Masters program, so she was not able to be here and Brian stayed home to work...We missed them, but are happy for Katie!
We got here last Saturday and stayed in a beach house. We have spent most of the days at the beach, but also went to Disneyland, a fun shopping place called the Spectrum, out to dinner, and to various other places. We've been taking some bike rides in the evenings, playing games and one day we even stayed up late watching America's Funniest Home Videos...weird, I know! :)
Tomorrow we are heading home...we're all sad, but have to get back to our lives! We hope to be back soon!


Carrie Elder said...

Looks like so much fun! I'm glad you guys are home now... it's no fun with out you.