Monday, January 12, 2009

Lame Blogger

Well, I guess it's official. I am a lame blogger. I don't know what happened to me...all the sudden I just stopped blogging. The truth is, I am on my computer about 20 hours a week for work and between that and the baby, I'm pretty much busy every hour of every day!..and after all those hours on the laptop all week, sometimes I just can't bear to stare at my computer screen any more!

Anyway - I figured it's about time to post some pics of the baby and a couple important updates. Here they are...our adoption became final on December 15th. It was a day that we were very excited for. There was a snafu or two with our paperwork, withour attorney, etc, and so it finalized a few days after it was supposed to. But, overall, it went okay. Now we're just waiting for our decree to arrive in the was supposed to get here two weeks, hopefully it arrives soon.

The baby had her first Halloween - she was a bumble bee. Her first Thanksgiving which we spent at my parents house...and her first Christmas and it was so much fun. We spent a lot of time with family, friends, etc over the holidays and overall it was relaxing and enjoyable.

Cameron had time off school and we both had two weeks off from teaching our classes, over the holidays. So, that was a much-needed break. Of course Cameron still worked, but working - without school and teaching - seems like a breeze! :)

Now we are looking forward to our sealing to Stella in the Mesa Temple on January 31st and her baby blessing in our ward on February 1st.

Here are some pictures of the last couple months...

Our Little Bumble Bee!


One of Stella's little Halloween outfits. This one was sent to her by her birth-mom.

Stella and Cam at a Family Reunion in Utah

These are all my cousins and their spouses. It was great to see everyone at Alee's wedding

Stella's cousins sure to love her!

My girlsfriends from high school and I got together one day in November. It was really nice to see each other and catch up. (Jessica, Megan, Me and Breanne).

One of Stella's cute little Christmas Dresses.

Another little Christmas outfit. She loves her 'nut house' that she sits in.

Stella and Me picking out our Christmas Tree.

Cameron and his beautiful sisters on Christmas Day.

Stella - 7 months old.

Stella in her Blessing Dress.


Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

Thank you for all the pics!!! We have been dying to see Stella...and you too of course! She is so cute and starting to look like a little person! I love her blessing day crown!

Loni said...

Oh, she is growing. So dang cute! I wondered if you were done with the blogging world. I'm glad to see you haven't quit! It is so fun to see all the babies grow-up! And congratulations on the adoption being official, I bet that is a great feeling. You have a beautiful family. Keep all the pictures coming!!


That is the cutest little tiara headband ever! I want to have a girl just so I can dress her up like Stella. I can't believe how much she has grown...and I see her often. Don't worry about being a lame blogger...I just updated mine too. It's hard once you get behind. Cute, cute pictures!! Love you guys.

Jenna{Mommy in Manhattan} said...

She is gorgeous! Fun to see the picture of all those girls from high school! Please blog more...I love to see your family!

Jess said...

She is adorable!!!!! Getting so big!!! I love her tiara headband. Very cute!!

Colleen Christensen, Photographer said...

It is about time you updated your blog.... I got so annoyed seeing "Bean Town and Big Apple" or whatever everytime I logged on! LOL!!! :)

Those pictures are all so great, Jenny! I can't believe how much more grown up she looks from when we were with you in October! Dang! She is adorable!

Bree said...

I'm so glad to finally see some more pics of you guys. Stella looks so feakin' sweet. I can't wait for you guys to come for a visit this weekend. We are stoked. Maybe we'll have to take little LuLu to get her ears pierced too. I can't decide. HMMMM.

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

Yea ! You are alive!!!
She is so cute, and the sealing will be the BEST day ever!!
Im so excited for you

Kristy said...

Yeah for Pictures!! Troy and I enjoyed them. Stella is beautiful... we should get together sometime.

Tara Fisher said...

It's okay I'm a lame blogger too! We all understand everyone is busy. Stella looks so dang cute in every picture. I love her tiara headband, that is to die for...where did you get it? My girls talk about baby Stella all the time, we love her and of course we love you and Cameron too. Thanks for updating. I'm doing my blog today, it's been way too long.

Chris and Tenielle said...

What cute pictures! Sounds like you guys have been busy! I'm glad the adoption was finalized. Congratulations - she's beautiful!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

About time! I fall on and off the blogging bandwagon too... it's ok. I LOVE STELLA and I love these pictures of her. She is the prettiest baby ever, seriously. I love the one of her in the tutu on the grass that says "stella 7 months" below it- SO cute!

Kim said...

I love the pics of Stella they are adorable!!! Congrats on the sealing and blessing! What a wonderful couple of days for your family!!!