Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bean Town and the Big Apple...

Well - it's been a while since my last post. I think I got scared off when Aimee Hada showed me that blog that is called 'SeriouslySoBlessed' is a 'mock' blog that basically makes fun of all the bloggers out there and every post just goes on and on, bragging about this 'fake' girl's life - she has the 'best' husband, baby, house, life, family, trips to 'Powell' (LOL), friends, etc, etc. It is really hilarious - but worried me a bit - I hope I'm not like that on my blog! I started thinking maybe I should be a bit more self-depracating on my blog - people think that is funnier anyway, don't they?! Well - I'll do my best to share some of the 'not fun' things that I do (which is like every day), too! LOL.

I will start that today - here is one very 'not' fun thing I did today...cleaned all three bathrooms top to bottom. By the way - I know it's the trend to be into the 'green' everything...including bathroom cleaner. But, come on - you can't beat a bathroom that smells like straight bleach. I mean, that is when you really know you can comfortably use that bathroom without wondering what kinds of crazy staph and flu viruses you are picking up. Sorry, but for me, using plant-extract to kill germs just doesn't cut it...but I digress...
Another 'not' fun thing that happened to me today - one of my students was really rude to me and threatened to report me to the University. Ouch...all because I would not accept her final project after the last day of class. Hello people - if you want to earn a good grade - submit your homework on time! It's that simple.

Okay - now to share something fun. Last weekend we got to go to Boston and then to New York City! We took Stella with us - yes, you heard me right...and my parents came with us as well. We first flew to Boston just for one day, where we got to see a RedSox game at Fenway park. It was great. Stella and I only lasted a few innings, then my mom and I took her back to the Hotel while Cam and my dad stayed to watch the rest of the game. The next day we took the train down to NYC where we spent the next 3 days. Cameron and my dad went to a Yankees game (apparently they are tearing down Yankee stadium like right away or something and Cam wanted to see a game at the stadium before they did). We went to the San Genaro festival in Little Italy - shopped in Chinatown (which is always an experience!), walked up 5th Avenue and up Central Park. We ate good food - Serendipity, Lombardi's Pizza, Cafe Lalo to name a few...anyway, we had a great time. I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here are a few;
Stella's first plane ride - she slept almost all the way from Phoenix to Baltimore on her beanie bed!

Again, in the airplane. She was such a good little traveler!

Us at Fenway, watching the Redsox!

Stella and Dad at the Redsox game.

Mom and Dad at the game.

Mom and dad eating the biggest sandwiches ever at the San Genaro Festival in NYC.

Me and Cam doing the same!

The hotel in NYC had a really 'bright' plasma TV in our room. Stella really tuned into it - and began a habit she'll probably never break!...watching TV! Here she is with dad watching Football while I got ready!

Here we are in NYC - No, the baby's neck is not hurt from sleeping like this...don't think you're the first person to wonder!

Me pushing an empty stroller through NYC. It seemed that I was always pushing an empty stroller!...Sometimes I just put our snacks in there and pushed them around while Stella got carried by everyone! :)



Wow! Your life is soooo great, Jenny! I thought you were going to hire a helper with the house cleaning so that your life would be even better?! I have seen that blog also. Very funny. We are looking forward to seeing you guys on Friday. I will have to call you about food. Talk to you soon!

Colleen Christensen, Photographer said...

i loooooooooove your new hair! that color is so flattering on you!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

1. The seriouslysoblessed blog is hilarious, but I had the same thoughts you did. Promise you'll tell me if my blog gets that way, and I'll do the same for you!

2. I love the smell of bleach. I agree- natural products don't cut it when cleaning toilets.

3. NY trip looks amazing. You guys have so much fun. I love the pic of Cam and Stella snuggling in bed together. They are such a darling daddy/daughter combo!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

4. Those beanie beds are amazing, aren't they?! I'm so glad you have one too!!

Carrie Elder said...

How fun! I've been missing NYC... I know you guys have been too! Baby Stella is the prettiest baby I have ever seen, seriously! She is such a girlie girl: )

Bree said...

Love the pics, love the hair(am considering going darker),love you guys, HATE all the going green crap. We have discussed this and you know my feelings on that topic. We miss you guys and hope you see you soon.

Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

Your trip looks like it was super fun. Awesome to get to have your parents go with! Stella looks adorable in all the pics! I remember pushing Belle in her stroller (like 8 months) around NYC and people were looking at me like "CRAZY LADY!" Ben was working though, so we were like in the Financial District and the only people not in suits! Anyways, it is so fun to travel with them when they are tiny because they just go where ever you take long as you bring a gazillion things for them!:)

Nathan and Jordan said...

Stella has been to more places then I have in the past year! :)
Looks like you are loving being a mom...Kingston used to always sleep like that in his baby bjorn too!

Karen said...

So we finally joined the blogging world!! I've been following your story and was so thrilled to find out about baby Stella! She is adorable. You guys are the cutest family!

Chris and Tenielle said...

Ditto to what everyone else said, but especially to how cute Stella is. You'll have to take a look at a picture I took of her when you guys were at the temple - It's on my blog. Simply adorable.

Bree said...

Sorry, but I am tagging you.

Loni said...

Hi Jenny
I need your email, because my blog is going private. I would love to add you to my list. Email me,

Andréa Morrow said...

Jenny, I can't believe I even found your blog..I saw Tara Fisher the other day and she gave me her blog site and here you are! It's great to see you & your family :) my blog is

Andréa Morrow said...

oops, I forgot to even tell you.. you probably didn't figure it out, but it's Andréa (Gagon) now Morrow