Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We're Back! Great News!

Hi Everyone - Okay, okay - so we realize that we haven't made any updates to our blog since, well, it's been a long time...But, the truth is that we've been working on our adoption blog instead for a while. The great news is - we were chosen by a birth-mother on December 5th and so should be having a baby in June!

Here's the story - we worked on our adoption certification through the state throughout the summer. Once we were certified we went to LDS Family Services to get onto their adoption list. Well - that was quite a process! There were interviews, lots of paper work, waiting, setting up a profile on their website, etc, etc. So, by the time we were actually 'live' on their website and available for birthmoms to view, it was about November 15th. We were told that it can take up to 3 years to be chosen by a birthmom. So, we were prepared for a long wait.

Low and behold, about three weeks later, we got a call from our case worker, Larry. He said that there was a young couple sitting in the Provo, Utah LDS Services office. They had chosen us based on our online profile and wanted us to adopt their unborn baby. We were so excited! Of course we said 'YES'!

Since then, we have spoken with her twice, we have received a very touching letter, pictures and even a Christmas gift from her. The gift consisted of a picture of her first ultrasound, three baby outfits and an adorable baby blanket.

So far this has been a great experience for us. After such a long, somewhat painful experience with infertility, we are just very happy to be feeling as though we will finally be able to start our family. We will be flying to Utah in January (around the 20th) to be at the 2nd ultrasound where we will find out the sex of the baby. We will also meet the birth mom and her family as well as probably the birth-father. The baby is due on June 8th and will be born in the Payson, Utah hospital - the same hospital where I was born!

We are keeping our fingers crossed and saying our prayers that our birth-mom will be strong and healthy and that she will have the courage to go through with her decision when the baby is born.


Carrie Elder said...

This is exciting news! I didn't think it would take long for you two to be chosen! I'm sure as soon as the birth mom actually meets you in person... it will hopefully put her further at ease (because you are so cool!) She seems like a really sweet girl. This year is going to be a good year:)

Tim and Connie said...

I am so excited for you guys! Especially since the new baby will be close in age with baby Michael! I hope it all works out... she couldn't have choosen a better couple to raise her baby. That baby will be so loved and really lucky to have you both as parents. Plus it will have the best Aunts around!!


Yeah! I've been waiting so patiently for an update! I am praying that everything will go through with the adoption. I KNOW you two will be great parents and I can't wait to see you both raising a child! Wyatt, Luke, Abbey and baby Michael need another cousin! I'm glad you brought the package to the Christmas brunch. It was neat reading the letter and seeing the cute things. I love you guys. Hope you had a Happy New Year's! Talk to you soon.

The Garrido's said...

Congratulations on this Happy News for you two!! You will make great Parents!!

Heidi Joncas said...

Congradulations! (I am Tim's little sister bytheway) Connie told me about your wonderful adoption news! I know I don't know you, but I get so excited when I hear about babies.

Biddle Family said...

Hey Webb's, I can see it might be a while before you read this but I am sooo excited for you guys! Really! What a wonderful thing to look forward too! Good luck & keep us updated.

Pepper Lovin! said...

Jenny! I don't know if you remember me from high school but it's rachel (bradshaw)Bostock. I am so Happy for you that you have the cutest baby. I have a couple friends going through fertility stuff right now and one who also just got her little one. What a joyous time for you! I am sure you will be a wonderful mom. She is adorable. Sorry I found your blog by snooping around!